Hey guys, not had change to post for what seems forever!
I have actually produced quite a bit of work, considering the dissertation has taken over my life until last week!
For now I will just post images from the photography course exhibition brochure design 'competition'. Basically our class was briefed by the director of the course to submit designs for their exhibition brochure. I got down to the final 4.. but not any further!
The images are here..

Front cover.

An example of an inside double page spread.
As soon as these designs were submitted I received images and the name 'Seamless' for the surface pattern brochure and decided to crack on with designs before I had even found out the results of the photography brief. Lots of my class submitted for this, and I was chuffed to be shortlisted to the final four again, they required some amendments before they made their choice which I created and got back to them within a week.
Yesterday I found out my designs were picked! Very chuffed :) So i'll be posting my first design and process to my final design soon :)
Meanwhile, here's a picture of my dissertation printed and bound, I'd like to thank Jem printing in the uplands
Jason did a great job, and I'll definitely be sending my exhibition prints there!
